even the winter, despite its longggggg duration.
2. Canadians always say sorry!, when they have
the fault and… when they don´t.
3. The morning coffee is essential to come through
all day… and I must certificate that.
4. Any sentence is not good enough without
“though” at the end.
5. Canadians pay their taxes just for the right to complain when something doesn´t work.
6. There are idioms for everything, I mean for everything…
7. “Live better” means, saving money in groceries and basic goods, to spend in other things that you really
don´t need but, it make you happy.
8. For Canadians, weather is extremely important, it´s part of the daily conversations and small talks, in
fact nobody go outside without checking the weather channel.
9. Canadians have so many rules, social, moral, legal; and they respect them… Of course there is
somebody watching to make them work.
10. Canadians are so proud of their own icons, hockey, maple syrup, loonies, geese, beavers, color flag,
July 1, probably small things; nevertheless it feels emotionally patriotic.
11. Canada is an amazing country that offers equality of opportunities for everybody… However it
depends to each one make them real.