Saturday, April 30, 2016

Z IS FOR....


Tonight go to sleep and have some dreams…
Dream about the life you want.
Dream about what makes you happy.
Dream about wishes, flowers, castles and stars...
Dreams come true… Always believe in that.
But for that to happen, you must to work on it.
Magic exists… Just, if you are willing to create it.

Good Night!

Last day of #atozchallenge... Wonderful month!
Note: Images taken from a to z challenge and

Friday, April 29, 2016



I wanted to write about life, about how important is understand that we come to this world just once.
Then, I have a better thought. I wanted to write about how to live that one life. How to embrace every moment, how to enjoy every step without collecting regrets… How significant is make it right … But that wasn´t enough.
 I could write pages and pages about how I feel in this moment… And still it wouldn´t be enough.
Then I remember a song with the perfect lyrics that portrayed exactly what my heart, my soul, my mind want to say it.
Here is the link of “I Lived” by One Republic.

Note: Images taken from a to z challenge and and the video is taken from

X IS FOR....


“Star light, star bright,
The first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight”

 The two girls were sitting in the front porch of the big house, the night of Christmas eve. Holding hands, both girls saw the first bright stars, the wishes one… They closed their eyes and asked for just one thing... To be best friend forever…
Even when the next day they are going to be miles away. Even when they are going to be in a different school, and meet new friends. The two little girls believe in their love for each other, and because of that they asked to the magic stars to keep the hearts together always.

Note: Images are taken from a to z challenge and

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


By: Ginger Scott
Year: 2015
Genre: Mature Young Adult. Romance
My rate: 4 stars

“Kensington Worth had a vision for her senior year. It involved her best friends,
her posh private school in downtown Chicago and time alone with her piano until her audition was perfected, a guaranteed ticket into the best music programs in the world.
Instead, a nightmare took over. 
It didn’t happen all at once, but her life unraveled quickly—a tiny thread that evil somehow kept pulling until everything precious was taken from her. She was suddenly living miles away from her old life, trapped in an existence she didn’t choose—one determined to destroy her from the inside, leaving only hate and anger behind. It didn’t help that her neighbor, the one whose eyes held danger, was enjoying every second of her fall.
Owen Harper was trouble, his heart wild and his past the kind that’s spoken about in whispers. And somehow, his path was always intertwined with Kensington’s, every interaction crushing her, ruining her hope for any future better than her. Sometimes, though, what everyone warns is trouble, is exactly what the heart needs. Owen Harper was consumed with darkness, and it held onto his soul for years. When Kensington looked at him, she saw a boy who’d gotten good at taking others down when they thr
eatened his carefully balanced life. But the more she looked, the more she saw other things too—good things…things to admire.”
This is my first book by the author, and it left me a good impression. I enjoyed her narrative style, the well-defined characters, assertive dialogues, and of course the very complex plot. In this story, Scott incorporates subtle, and effective, sensitive issues such as: addiction, suicide, mental illness, marital infidelity and divorce, doing a excellent job handling those issues, which certainly could break the strength of any teenager.
And of course we have the main element as the romance between two teenagers Kensington and Owen, who at a young age have to deal with too many problems, and because of that they learned to support each other and find a balance in their lives. I need to say by the way that the love story impregnate in those pages is sublime.
 Now on the other hand I have some concern like: The pace of the story, the first part is strong, deep, full of passion en every page, suddenly it turn slow decreasing in emotion, in fact despite the well done end, I would love more passion and emotion with the same intensity that hooked us at the very beginning
Kensington the female main character was portrayed as a determined person but then she got lost in the story, changing completely to become en somebody fragile.
Also, I don´t want to spoiler but there are characters that we learned to like them and then they just disappear and I strong believe some conversations had to be happen and it didn´t.
In addition it is the mature sex scene. Which don´t take me wrong, was excellent written, however I think it was a scene disconnected from the rest or the narrative style which was more sweet and light. For me it felt like it was part of the other book inside of this book.
It was difficult to decide my rating, between 3.5 and 4 starts. But I am giving 4 stars, mostly because all the beauty of the narrative and the sensitivity Ginger Scott showed with her written. Also because the way Owen was described. He is a complex character who grew up stronger and more human with every page.
I would love to read this story from Owen P.O.V, sure it´d be interesting.
Best Phrases:
 “Just then, I realize, he´s not really wild at all. He´s heartbroken. And maybe I don´t hate him as much as I thought I did.”
“I love you…but I will suffocate you. Drown you. Loving me… It will kill you”

“I shouldn´t let you… But I don´t care Kensy. Because I think I need you to survive. I think I need you to love me, because that´s literally  all I´ve got” 
Note: Images taken from a to z challenge and

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

V IS FOR....

The prince was walking quietly on tiptoes. He was hiding behind every pillar and huge curtains. It was a long way to the exit door and from there to the stables.
Today is his birthday and as every number seven he's going to receive a significant present.  This year he was going to have a horse, finally his own horse.
Once outside it got easier.  Everybody was inside preparing the party in h
is name. So he just ran until the stables and there it was a magnificent black horse.
He walked near to it, thinking already in a name, almost touching it, but the horse started to jump, the prince tried to calm down but it didn´t work. The horse turned frenetic and made the prince to fall into a poodle of mud.
A boy stood between the animal and the prince, protecting him.
“Are you ok my prince?”
“No, I'm not. I survived to be killed by my own horse, just to end dying in my sister hands. Look my cloths. It took me forever to come here without been seeing by anybody.
“We can use the back door behind the kitchen and follow the hallway. Everybody is busy nobody is going to notice us. I can take you to your room, you could change and give me your dirty clothes and I´ll wash them. Your sister will never find out.
            The prince smiled widely. “What´s your name?”
            “Kellan, my name is Kellan, my prince” The servant said giving a reverence.

The prince offered his hand. “Call me Rhyon. Today you have saved me twice.”

Note: Images taken from A to Z challenge and

Monday, April 25, 2016



“You are late”. The boy said.
“Not, I m not. What time it is?” The girl said looking up.
“I don’t know but you are late”.
“Is this the game for tonight? You saying I´m late and I´m saying I´m not”. This time the girl smiled.
“Nah… I wanna play another thing. The boy smiled back”.
“What do you want to play?”
The boy thought for a sec, then he asked her “Does your neck hurts?”
“A little. I have the worst part...looking up, kind of uncomfortable. You got it easier, just looking down all the time.”
“Do you want to stop playing with me here?” The girl noticed the sadness in her friend´s voice.
“No! I like our games.” The girl said with honesty.
The light was dim, the barely could see each other, a floor was the distance between them.
“I like them too” The boy told her with relief. “You pick the game”
“What about guessing? I brought my books with many guesses”.
“Okay… I´ll go first… Hit me…”
It was like that every night for many months. The two kids met at the balcony. One lived in the first floor, the other one in the second floor. There weren´t social media, or cell phone at that time. They just talked, read and listened to music. One day the girl moved out and never so her friend again.

She doesn´t remember his name, or his face. But thirty two year later, she still has the memories of their meeting nights at the balcony.

Note. images taken from a to z challenge and

Saturday, April 23, 2016

T IS FOR....


“Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light.
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye”

The girl was seated in a coffee shop savoring her double latte; a soft melody in the background filled her heart, the lyrics from Regina Spektor´s song made a single tear pop from her eye rolling slowly through her cheek.
A bunch of memories bombarded her mind, but just one in particular stuck in her thoughts as every time she listened to the saddest song she has ever heard.
The airport was crowded that morning, men running with suitcases, mothers with crying children, people who were trying to find the right directions. She was there in the middle of the chaos, standing at the other side of the door, holding briefly her hand against the crystal, contemplating the love she was going to leave behind.
With the tip of her finger she wiped the tear from her face; she drank the last drop of coffee and with determination walked out of the shop to the raining day. 
Every night, the girl carefully observed the horizon, hoping to see the starlight. “Soon the moment would come” she repeated to herself. 
Note. Song: The call by Regina Spektor. Images taken from a to z challenge and

Friday, April 22, 2016

S IS FOR....


A continuación voy a citar algunos versos de mis poemas favoritos, pero esta vez en español.
Espero los disfruten

Posees la libertad de ser tú mismo,
de mostrar tu verdadero ser, aquí y ahora,
y nada se puede interponer en tu camino”.
El Manual del Mesías
Richard Bach

Y mi alma baila herida de virutas de fuego.
Quien llama? Qué silencio poblado de ecos?
Hora de la nostalgia, hora de la alegría, hora de la soledad,
hora mía entre todas!...”
Poema 17
20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Pablo Neruda

“Hora de soledad y de melancolía,
en que casi es de noche y casi no es de día.
Hora para que vuelva todo lo que se fue
hora para estar triste, sin preguntar por qué.
Todo empieza a morir cuando nace el olvido.
Y es tan dulce buscar lo que no se ha perdido...
¡Y es tan agria esta angustia terriblemente cierta
de un gran amor dormido que de pronto despierta…”
José Angel Buesa

“…Que jamás el destino, comprendiéndome mal,
me otorgue la mitad de lo que anhelo
y me niegue el regreso. Nada hay, para el amor,
como la tierra; ignoro si existe mejor sitio.
Quisiera encaramarme a un abedul, trepar,
por las ramas oscuras del blanquecino tronco
y subir hacia el cielo, hasta que el abedul,
doblándose vencido, me volviese a la tierra.
Subir y regresar sería muy hermoso.
Pues hay cosas peores en la vida que ser
un columpiador de árboles.”
Robert Frost

Note: Images taken from a to z challenge and 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

R is for...


We arrived to the cave hidden in the middle of Evergreen Woods before the breaking dawn. It was the perfect security location. A few months ago, Kellan and I found it.  It was so intricate to get in and out of there, we even got lost once. 
Under Kellan´s orders, the guards went to check the perimeter, while Ryder and Spring set a temporary camp.
Kellan pulled me in a tight hug and kissed my front head. “Are you hurt?” he asked me. I shook my head.
“Can you tell me what the hell is going on?" 
 But I couldn´t answer. Instead I looked at Rhyon. Kellan did the same, then he walked in his direction. Placing a hand in one of Prince´s shoulders he asked, “Are you Okay?”
 The Prince shook his head.
 “Are you hurt?” The prince shook his head again.
“Our father is dead” Rhyon finally said.
 Kellan hugged the prince with affection and sorrow. In that moment the two men grieved the fallen king as two children who had lost their father. Yes, because, not by blood, but definitely King Rowland had also been a father to Kellan.
“Long life to the King Rhyon”, one of the guards who broke the silence, while he was kneeling dawn before him, as the rest of people did the same. I knelt as well to honor my new king.
Kellan separated from Rhyon and started to kneel dawn, but Rhyon stopped him. “Don´t”.
Rhyon extended his hand helping me to stand up. “Don´t do it again” he said lowly. “Everyone, stand up please. Thank you for your loyalty but I´m not the King yet”.
“But you will” Kellan said with determination. “First we must to protect our Prince.” He spoke to the small crowd “and then we save our Kingdom”.    
Note: Images taken from a to z challenge and

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The shadow of silence. 
My silence, yours; 
Silence surrounds us spreading calm ...
 The silence lulls us but also it gives us fear. 
Silence speaks to us, but We do not listen, 
How sad it is not to understand that we would learn
 more with more silence among us.

Note: Images taken from a to z challenge and

Tuesday, April 19, 2016



La vida no es perfecta. Definitivamente no lo es. Pero para el ser humano existen momentos precisos, invaluables, los cuales por esa fracción de segundo sencillamente  no existe nada más. En ese justo instante, la felicidad es plena… A continuación comparto algunos de los míos, y segura estoy, que quizás para algunos de ustedes también lo son.

1.- Comer helado de chocolate cuando sentimos una enorme nostalgia.
2.- Tenderse en la arena y tomar el sol en las playas de Cancún.
3.- Recordar cuando teníamos 18 años….nunca se vuelve a sentir esa libertad sin barreras.
4.- Atender una llamada telefónica y escuchar la voz de aquel amigo en quien justamente estabas pensando.
5.- Encontrar una nota de amor en baúl de tus recuerdos.
6.- Que aquella película que ansiabas ver, te mantenga emocionada durante toda la trama y que además tenga un final feliz.
7.- Despertar un lunes en la mañana y no tener que ir a trabajar
8.- Admirar el cielo nocturno, ver una estrella fugaz, pedir un deseo y que se haga realidad.
9.- Necesitar un par de zapatos con urgencia y conseguirlos justamente en la primera tienda que buscas, en la talla, color y modelo deseado.
10.- Un beso después de la reconciliación.

Note: Images from A to Z challenge and 

Monday, April 18, 2016

O IS FOR....


By: Kasie West
Genre: Y/A Romance
Year: 2014
Rate: 3.5 stars.
"For sixteen-year-old Charlotte Reynolds, aka Charlie, being raised by a single dad and three older brothers has its perks. She can outrun, outscore, and outwit every boy she knows—including her longtime neighbor and honorary fourth brother, Braden. But when it comes to being a girl, Charlie doesn't know the first thing about anything. So when she starts working at chichi boutique to pay off a speeding ticket, she finds herself in a strange new world of makeup, lacy skirts, and BeDazzlers. Even stranger, she's spending time with a boy who has never seen her tear it up in a pickup game"

I loved this book. The reading was fresh and sweet, every character was well developed and wonderful described, Charlie and her brothers, her dad, Braden, even her friends, the story was full of potential. Also it had a good plot, which at the beginning seemed so promising, and I was really hooked with the narrative.
Then why just 3.5 stars? well I think the writer failed to capitalize the story; the incident involving Charlie's mother; which kept us intrigued throughout the story, it was resolved very quickly and not convincingly. Besides I didn´t agree with Charlie's reaction, she is a teenager who was tricked all his life, that is why she should be angry with his family, but she wasn´t. On the other han
d Charlie´s conversation with her father was not at all emotional, and even kind of boring, I think this is the reason why it wasn´t convincing her feeling about to be broken, in fact she didn´t react like that.
I think that the plot was so great and it wasn´t worked properly, at the end it was disappointing, I wanted more, the story could be more.
Nevertheless, I did enjoy the writing style and probably “On the fence” is going to be one of the books which I´ll reread the best parts, because Charlie and Braden scenes were lovely.

Note: Images taken from A to z challenge and

Saturday, April 16, 2016

N is for......

Recently I found this poetic prose that I wrote in college. I was trying to think in a name and nothing came to my mind… Can you help me? Which do you think it could be a good title?

                Our history is written every day, every moment. 
                With every new experience, we are taught to grow up; 
                and at the road we travel at some point we feel the absence 
                of what we are, of love, of what once we believed to achieve. 
                And for a moment that the only important thing is to get away 
                for this suffer this uncertain. 
                However, gradually and as suddenly as the arrival of a shooting star, 
                we wake up to a new life, finding in each step, new reasons to believe, 
                to exist, to love.
                Note: Images taken from a to z challenge

Friday, April 15, 2016

M IS FOR.....

I have to say that, so far this is one of my favorite piece I´ve ever written.   

Taking the small music box with her, Brooke sat on the floor with her legs crossed.  With a hand she cleaned the thin layer of dust from the top of the box. It had been awhile since the last time she opened it. She hadn´t wanted to remember.
Hesitant, Brooke opened the lid and a cheerful melody, like the music from an ice cream truck, popped out of it. The box was a gift from her sister. She gave it to her ten years ago, and with that reflection, all memories hit her like a bullet shot in her heart.
On that night, Brooke was seven years old and she already was lying on her bed. She loved her bed. It was like sleeping on a bunch of cotton candy in the middle of a purple room. It wasn´t like grape or lilac purple. Brooke used to think that her room was painted with her own shade of purple taken from the rainbow. The curtains were closed but she wasn´t afraid of the dark. Princess Brooke had so many stuffed friends protecting her, in every corner of her castle.
When Brooke smelled the fragrance of vanilla and honey, she knew her sister had arrived. Brooke opened her eyes and her sister was smiling at her, seated on the rocking chair next to bed, she was holding the small music box.
That was the last magic night she spent with her sister, the last time she saw her pretty face.   

A few days after, Brooke´s parents took her away. She lost her room and her sister the same week. Now the only thing she had left, it was the music box and painful memories that she didn´t want to, but she needed to recover.    
Note: Images are taken from a to z challenge and

Thursday, April 14, 2016

L is for....


Why so unexpectedly it disappears from our soul
the most essential strength to survive?

Why so suddenly we left to die the desire
for a better future?

Why so inadvertently we feel that we are nothing,
and our story ended?

Why, without thinking we are at the bottom of a
cliff, drowning slowly, and
not wanting to find salvation?

Why is this feeling of a bitter defeat?, one
defeat that destroyed us, which was stronger than

our thoughts. Because that defeat never even existed.

Note: Images taken from A to Z challenge and