Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Cuando decidimos cambiar nuestro estilo de vida, ya sea porque resolvemos mudarnos de hogar o de país, cambiar de trabajo, o simplemente iniciar un proyecto que implique un giro radical en nuestro día a día; además de realizar toda la preparación logística necesaria para enfrentar el nuevo reto, no podemos olvidar cerrar los ciclos anteriores, concluir etapas, esas dejadas atrás…
Ciertamente, algunas veces recorremos el nuevo camino con temor a lo desconocido, dejando puertas abiertas por si queremos regresar, el problema con esa estrategia es mantener una idea aferrada al pasado lo cual nos impide avanzar. ..
Sin embargo, cerrar cada ciclo puede tomar una eternidad por lo tanto es importante sentir el albedrío de decidir cómo y cuándo pasar la página, siempre dejando a un lado la idea de retornar y volver a leerla.
Hace un par de años tomé una decisión de esas de 180º y aunque no fue para nada apresurada, no puedo creer cuantas puertas he dejado abiertas. Unos meses atrás empecé a cerrarlas y he sentido culpa, he sentido tristeza, angustia, añoranza, temor pero sobretodo he sentido libertad.
Increíblemente mi lista de tareas inconclusas es más extensa de lo pensado y por delante me espera un largo trabajo por realizar, pero cada ciclo cerrado, cada puerta clausurada me colma de tranquilidad y seguridad, otorgándole un respiro a mi espíritu y me procura la confianza de soñar, pensar y creer que “todo estará bien”.

*Imagenes tomadas de www.google.com

Friday, September 5, 2014


How many times do we have the opportunity to start over? Fixing mistakes, doing what we never did, or living again the best moments of our life. I´m no exactly sure to have an answer for that question, however in my case 2 years ago when I decided to move to Canada, I initiated it all again. But it was just a couple days ago when I realized what that really means. It means new experiences, it means new choices, doing everything once more and for the first time at the same, and then searching in my memory my walking until today, I closed my eyes to enjoy my favorites first times again:

The first time I felt the snow in my face and how, as a child stuck out my tongue to catch snowflakes.
The first time, when I saw the Ontario Lake and how in that instant I just could breathe the freedom.
The first Christmas, the longing for the family mixed with the wonderful smell of fresh pine.
My first day in a new job completely different to what I was used to, the overwhelming feelings, fear, so much fear, and pride as well, because I did it… I walked outside to the world and I did it by myself.
The first time I realized I was away from home and I cried more than I´ve ever cried in my entire life, I felt alone and desperate… and after I ran out the tears when I could see with clarity,  I felt hope… It was a fresh start.

There are more, much more, ones good others not so much, nevertheless the experience I would never change it. I think this is my second chance and I want to enjoy it without regrets, without guilt, without fear or with all of those feelings plus magic, passion and innocence, because that is what people call “life”. 

Note: Image taken from www.google.com