Monday, January 6, 2014


My beautiful, brilliant and wonderful 8 years old daughter, Dana, who always says that she is going to be a Pop Star, wrote a song… Therefore it seems fair to me, sharing with you, her talent.


One day I went to a pool, I didn´t know how to swim
And a girl told me…
Don’t give up whatever you do, don´t give up.

The next day I went to skate, I was scared so much
And a boy told me…
Don´t give up whatever you do, don´t give up.

I want to be someone, who knows how to do
things and I don´t need a boy and a girl to tell me
Don´t give up.

One day I went to skate and I went to the pool,
It seems that the girl and the boy were right ….
Just don´t give up whatever you do don´t give up,
Just don´t give up whatever you do don´t give up.

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