Hi! She said with a smile. You are early.
It has been a while since the last time Jo had talked with Charles,
her best friend, a “real talk” however, that afternoon he called and he wanted to see her… Charles has been in Jo life as long as she remembered, that was why she wasn´t supposed to be surprise, except she was.
The road sucks, the traffic sucks, my God! You live far away… he was complaining while they walked through the hall until her bedroom. Distance is relative, she said with a laugh…
Jo seated in the far corner of the bed and Charles lay down in the other side… Do you want something to drink? She asked whereas she was searching in his eyes, but he wasn´t looking at her…Maybe later, he answered.
So, you wanted to talk, well… Talk….
He smirked, running his hand through his hair a regular gesture. I don´t know what is worst, when you are impertinent or when you are so direct, he said. She just rolled her eyes, waiting.
After a pause he continue; Yes, I want to talk, I´ve been thinking a lot what to say and how to say it, and this it is not the way I planned, but whatever here we are.

Charles continued talking without stopping and with random words, although each one with a meaning…he tried to look at her, nevertheless he preferred smoothing wrinkles from the sheets, a type of mania as she remembered. She also remembered the tonnes of nights when as teenagers she slept over in his house, and the deep silly conversations with the light off; those memories filled her heart with such nostalgia.
She was remaining silent, hugging her knees, listening very carefully every word that Charles had to say.
Probably could be easier if he just blurred out, but never happened. He never used the word Gay or Homosexual. Nonetheless, among words Charles confessed that one day he noticed his felling for a guy, after that he continued talking nervously, as if he was afraid of what he just told.
When Charles finished his monologue, Jo said: I know, I know for a while, she smiled gingerly, and definitely I knew that was what you wanted to tell me.
They continued talking about everything had happened during the three years before.
I was hidden, he said.
In that moment, she realized that she has been upset with him for long time; he knew she always was there for him no matter what. He could felt the necessity to hide from the entire world but why from her.
I wanted to tell you and definitely it wasn´t supposed to be in this way, Charles insisted.
Why? She took the opportunity to ask.
Because you have so much prejudice, he said. It was not a complaint but rather an acknowledgment of her character. And finally he looked at her eyes for the first time that night.
She mocked a surprise gesture, rolled her eyes and smiled. Maybe she was upset with him but not anymore, watching her friend free and relieved made her so happy plus she never could stand mad at him for more than five minutes.
No, I don’t! She said, except she does. Jo wasn´t a party girl, She was more a “Goody two shoes” girl, and yes maybe she has some prejudice, saving for him, never for him, moreover she expected he would understood that, after the conversation.
Charles grinned… I´m hungry, he said.
She got up from the bed and hugged him, and it was like when you hold in your hands something that was lost and just recovered
Well, Let´s go to eat…Jo answered.
As simple like that, they just left behind all the guilt, doubts, and frustrations, closing the door and walking through the night.
Note: Pictures taken from www.google.com
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